Jamesburg Pumpkin Festvial 2004

October 23, 2004 was Jamesburg's annual pumpkin festival. For two hours there was food, dancing, games, and fun for all. Even Cookie Monster and Mendoker's Yummy Bear made appearances! The pumpkins on display were excellent and everyone who participated did a great job! Thanks to Century 21 Gandy and Brown Realty, Mendoker's Bakery, the Jamesburg Fire Department, and the Borough of Jamesburg for sponsoring this event!

Hold your mouse cursor over the pictures for captions

Those are some funny pumpkins! Playing a game.
Yummy Bear!  Yummy Cookies! Mr. and Ms. Claus arrived early in Jamesburg this year.
Even the Easter Bunny came out for Halloween! Fun on the giant slide
Dance with Cookie Monster! Do the Electric Slide
Awesome Pumpkins! Bert and Ernie?
Face painting was popular with the kids! Two of the judges

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